Road leading to Argentina/Chile border crossing
Sheep roundup
Cave entrance Milodón Natural Monument
First view of the Paine Massif and Cuernos del Paine or `Paine horns`
Cerro Paine Grande on the left and the Horns on the right.
Lago Grey from the trail leading to the sandbar
Facing north from the SW corner of Lago Grey
Puente Weber viewpoint
Rio Paine with `The Horns` in the background
From Mirador Cóndor
Mirador Cóndor viewpoint looking at Hosteria Pehoe
Looking from Mirador Condor towards the `Horns`
The `Horns`
Near Salto Grande
Salto Grande -30 foot waterfall between Lago Nordenskjold and Lago Puehoe
Gunaco herd heading for the hills
Puerto Natales view from our hotel