Travel Planning - Greece
Greece Mainland (Pending)

Greece is all about history. Greek history is documented back over 4,000 years (2700 BC). We know of Greece as the cradle of western civilization and the birthplace of democracy, concepts that even I can remember from school.


The first leg of our adventure in Greece is to explore the mainland portion of the country. We like the Globus Classical Greece tour. The tour explores Greece over eight days from Acropolis in Athens to the site of the first Olympics.

Back in Athens, who knows, we may spend a day before heading... hmmm, where... to the islands!

Greek Islands (Pending)

Wow. We have too many choices when it comes to the Greek Islands. Mykonos and Santorini are the widest known islands and are reported to be stunning. Since we had to make a decision, we flipped a coin and chose Santorini.


Our plan is to relax and enjoy the sites, sounds and culture of the island. Hiking to archeological sites and taking a sailing excursion of on our list, but we just plan to have a good time relaxing.

Too Many Choices

From all we've read, the Greek Islands are fantastic. So, we'll evaluate our experience here and then decide id the Islands are in line for a future visit.

Intrepid has a great two week package that splits evenly between the mainland and the islands. The 'Best of Greece' tour might be a good blend of both.

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